Jones-Maltsberger Improvements Underway
Overdue safety improvements for increasingly busy Jones-Maltsberger are being installed this winter. CHPNA began lobbying the Public Works Dept to fund the project long before a developer announced plans for the nearby 15 acre apartment complex.
The roadway was recently expanded to create a center turn lane enabling safer turning into our neighborhood. Motorists will no longer risk collision due to blocking traffic while waiting for an opportunity to turn left into Marquis, Coronet or Colwyn Pass. The remaining entrance street, Trafalgar, will receive a different type of improvement in the coming months specially designed to mitigate patron traffic from the AHISD Athletic Center adjacent to the Robbins School.
Jones-Maltsberger will see increased activity this spring when renters being occupying the new apartment complex. City engineers mandated the facility's main entrance align with Colwyn Pass and a traffic light will be installed at the intersection.
Nearly 100 new shrubs and trees have been installed along the median islands. CHPNA negotiated the greenery from the developer and volunteers will tend to the vegetaions to ensure it takes hold. Additional greenery is expected in late 2024.
Contessa Drainage Construction Continues
Public Works has broken ground on rainwater drainage improvements for Contessa. Homes along the westside of the roadway have been prone to flooding when the street overflows.
A large underground pipe will collect rainwater along the roadway and release it into an improved drainage canal leading to the ravine alongside the rear of the adjacent shopping center. The roadway is a low point in the neighborhood and often receives heavy and swift rainwater flowing in from the surrounding area.
Crews are expected to complete the project in Summer 2024 barring unforeseen delays. Resident access to driveways will be disrupted and temporary mailboxes have been provided along McCullough.
Project working hours are sunup to sundown Monday through Saturday. No parking on the street will be permitted during the day. Patricia McWilliams, Storm Water Engineering Capital Projects Officer, is the City's main point of contact and can be reached at 210-207-1332 or
Natatorium overflow parking to be alleviated
Voters overwhelmingly approved the AHISD bond on the May 2023 ballot which included funding to modify the Robbins School campus on Trafalgar. The district has purchased a large vacant lot bordering Ramsey which will feature a new softball field and significantly more parking for the entire sports complex.
Crews will break ground in late 2024. The Robbins School building will be demolished to make way for an additional parking lot, however this stage of the project may not commence until 2028.
CHPNA members enjoy free swimming all year
CHPNA members in good standing can enjoy complimentary admission to the new AHISD Natatorium on Trafalgar. 2024 member households can swim in the beautiful 650,000 gallon pool as often as they like throughout the year.
It's just one more reason to be a CHPNA member. As a reminder, memberships expire every December 31st, so be sure to start or renew your household membership for 2024 to be eligible.
CPS can light up your dark yard, alley or street
Residences with with poorly illuminated exterior spaces can request CPS add a supplemental flood light. The utility's All Night Security Light program is a low cost way to brighten up dark yards, alleys and streets. CPS will install a LED flood light to one of its existing poles or install a supplemental pole where desired. The fixture can be either aimed at the owner's dwelling or parallel to a roadway, but not into the roadway itself.
There are no installation or equipment costs, however a monthly charge is added to the homeowner's bill. Most residences are able to add a 100W fixture to an existing pole for as little as $9 per month plus a minor increase in energy used. There is a 3 year minimum commitment and penalty for early termination. To learn more contact the ANSL manager CPS by calling 210-760-4768 or click on the application button.
Aren't you glad you have a Neighborhood Association?
CHPNA volunteers advocate tirelessly to protect your property's value and improve everyone's quality of life.
Membership dues and donations pay for website and newsletter expenses that keep you informed. Showing your support is smart and affordable.
We engage city officials to improve neighborhood infrastructure and represent CHP in nearby projects.
We host gatherings like our block parties that connect neighbors and build community.
We landscape and mow the islands along Jones Maltsberger which is the main gateway to our community.
Share your talents with us!
Neighbors working together helps keep Crownhill Park a terrific place to live. We always need extra volunteers to help with tasks large and small. Send us a message and we'll help you find the right fit.
Newsletter articles and advertising welcome.
The next issue of the quarterly CHPNA newsletter is underway. We welcome your suggestions for articles. We also accept select advertising.
SAPD Ready to Help​
The SAFFE program run by SAPD assigns an officer to assist residents in solving local problems such as disagreements between neighbors and petty crime. Officer Patrick Des Rosiers is available to Crownhill Park residents at 210-207-6086.
Call 311 with Neighborhood Concerns​
The City Customer Service Call Center is available 24/7 to assist residents with issues such as dumping, animal control, infrastructure needs, and code compliance. When in doubt, dial 311 first.